
Positive impact of changing my hosting provider

In this post, I’m going to talk about my recent change of hosting provider and the impact it has had. Honestly, I hadn’t expected there to be one, so I have been left surprised by the impact it has had. Why move hosting provider? While in hindsight this is very obvious, it was something that I hadn’t thought about properly previously. Prior to...

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It’s been a while and what the future holds

Hello Internet, it’s been a while! My last update was written in January 2014! This is obviously a very long time ago and a lot has happened in my life since then. The primary change in my life is that I have moved away from primarily working in development roles into more business consulting and project management. This means that while I might...

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Check arguments for null in C#

I had a comment recently from ‘The Dag‘ asking if I could create some code which would check to ensure that none of the parameters for a methods were null. While this is quite a simple piece of code I thought I would reply in a post rather than answering in the comments as it is more likely to be found by anyone else who is looking to do the sam...

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NodaTime: What date time is it?

If you have ever developed an application that is time sensitive you’ll appreciate just how much of a nightmare it can be to get right. Do you handle users in a different time zone to you? Do you handle day light savings? Do you handle leap seconds/days? When we develop code that is error prone or we know it requires special care over making ...

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Local NuGet Repository

NuGet is an amazing addition to Visual Studio, it’s one of those features that you wonder how we managed without it before. The only problem is that it requires that there is an active Internet connection to use it. This means by default you’re unable to use NuGet when you’re developing out and about. One thing that NuGet does to avoid making...

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Magic Strings: How to avoid them in C#

One of my least favourite things about the .NET Framework is that there are plenty of places where it expects you use magic strings . These make maintaining your application harder as refactoring through Visual Studio will not pick up these references, which then get left behind with their original value. This blog post is to mostly share a very...

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Get deep nested values without worrying about null

Failing to handle null reference’s is one of the most common bugs in an application, this happens when a developer assumes that the a value will always contain an object even though it could be null. One of the nasty things about checking for nulls is that if you’re looking to retrieve a value from a deeply nested value would end up with a large...

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