Interface for Hashing classes
The following code is the interface that I have created for a series
of classes that I am creating that will deal with getting the hash of a
particular string or file.
''' Hashing interface from Satal Keto's library
''' Version
Namespace Security.Hash
Public Interface IHasher
Function hashOfStr...
Calculate MD5 hash of string or file
This class implements the IHasher interface that you can find here.
''' MD5 Hash class from Satal Keto's library
''' Version
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Namespace Security.Hash
Public Class MD5Hasher
Implements IHasher
Public Function hashOfFile(ByVal file...
Change the cursor in JavaScript
Just a simple JavaScript function to change the cursor
* Posible options
* auto
* crosshair
* default
* pointer (hand)
* help
* move
* text
* wait
* e-resize, w-resize, n-resize, s-resize, ne-resize, nw-resize, se-resize, sw-resize
* onmouseover="changeCursor('crosshair');"
function changeCursor(style)
Generate a random string in PHP
I created this class primarily to generate random salts for passwords, but it can be used quite easily to create random strings of any length that you specify.
* clsSalt
* @package
* @author Satal Keto
* @copyright 2008
* @version v1.00.002
* @access public
class clsSalt
Sending an email in PHP
This class was written to allow for me to send an email from PHP easily. The class allows for the message to be sent as either plain text or HTML.
* clsEmail
* @package
* @author Satal Keto
* @copyright 2008
* @version v1.00.001
* @access public
class clsEmail
Hashing with a salt in PHP
Heres a class I wrote a long time ago to come up with a simple way of ensuring that I used a common method for hashing passwords with salts in a particular way.
* clsHash
* @package
* @author Satal Keto
* @copyright 2008
* @version v1.00.001
* @access public
class clsHash
How to mark method as obsolete
While working on my upcoming library, I was adding some old code that I had created and realised that the way I had done one of the methods wasn’t appropriate. While as this is during the writing of version 1 of my framework I thought rather than to just change the code and forget about all backwards compatibility, I would make the old method ob...
Track number of times a file is downloaded
Being able to track how many times a file has been downloaded from your website is a useful bit of information. One method of doing this is by making it so that the user is instead of being sent directly to the file is sent to a web page which then sends the user the file.
I haven’t added any code that figures out where the file is stored on th...
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